Google Certified
Analytics Consultants

Looking for an accurate Google Analytics 4 setup?

You’re at the right place.
We’ve configured 100+ Google Analytics 4 properties. From simple conversion tracking to complex e-commerce multi-touch attribution. We’ve done it all.

Founded in 2019, Systematik is a full-stack data consulting company that aims to help businesses leverage their data for growth. We are certified Google Analytics consultants and Fivetran and dbt partners.

We would love to learn more about your project and help you get more out of your data.

Maxime Villemure

“We have seen a dramatic increase in conversion rates”

“We’ve been working with Systematik for the past 2 years now. The insights we got from their automated dashboards allowed us to make major adjustments to our sales strategy. I can’t recommend them enough.”

– Maxime Villemure 
Co-founder of Spaceful

Make better & faster decisions
with accurate data

Whether you’re a marketing agency looking for a white-label solution, an e-commerce brand looking for an analytics partner, or anything in between, we’ve got you covered.

Maximize your marketing budget

With accurate tracking, you’ll be able to see which marketing channel performs best.

Data insights will also help you gain a crystal-clear understanding of your target audience – so you can create messaging that resonates with them.

Understand your customer's buying journey

Understand how your website visitors interact with your website. How they discover your brand, and how each touch point contributes to sales.

With a 360-degree view of your customer’s buying process, you can predictably guide them toward your desired goal.

Easily identify underperforming steps in your funnel

Improving your website user experience is crucial if you’re trying to sell anything online. With accurate data at your fingertips, you’ll be able to know where visitors are dropping off and why.

Pretty and easy to use dashboards

Let’s face it, building reports in Google Analytics 4 is complicated. With our custom dashboards, you’ll provide your team, or your clients, with an easy way to monitor and analyze data.

Click the button above to schedule a free, no-obligation call to plan your data strategy.

Some of our clients

Our services


Accurate and automated tracking is the basis for profitable data analysis. Gain trust in your data, knowing it was tracked by our team of experts.



Provide your team or clients with an easy way to monitor and analyze data.



We aim to be our clients secret weapon. When partnering with us, you get ongoing access to all our services.

Full-stack data consulting

We also offer Agency to Agency solutions :

RELIABLE & ACCURATE Digital Analytics Subcontracting solution White-labeled for agencies looking to scale their interim & long-term analytics requirements without compromising the SECURITY of their client’s data.

Click the button above to schedule a free, no-obligation call to plan your data strategy.

How to get started

The following steps explain how we can (typically) work together.

Discovery meeting

During this free, no-obligation call, we’ll discuss your specific analytics needs.

Sign mutual NDAs

Starting our relationship on solid foundation.

Granting access

Providing the required access for us to assess the work to be done.

Detailed roadmap

We'll build a detailed roadmap including the works to be done, cost estimates & timelines.

Project delivery

We'll deliver the project as laid out in the project roadmap.

Final sign off

Final review & payments. On your way to be data-driven.

Click the button above to schedule a free, no-obligation call to plan your Google Analytics 4 setup.

Adrian Shiel

“Systematik prevailed where 2 other agencies failed miserably.”

“Systematik prevailed where 2 other agencies failed miserably. They did the work in a fraction of the time and at a fraction of the cost of the other agencies.

Thanks to them, I can now confidently make critical business decisions based on accurate data. This is absolutely invaluable to our business!”

– Adrian Shiel 
Co-founder of High Performing Coach Ltd.

Get accurate GA4 data fast. Book a free discovery call today.

During this free, no-obligation call, we’ll discuss how your organization can start leveraging data to make better and faster decisions.

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Frequently asked questions

In our opinion, Google Analytics 4 is much better than it’s previous version. It simply require more technical knowledge to get the maximum out of it.

As with anything in life, you get what you pay for. Sure, you could hire a freelancer, an agency from a third-world country, or a marketing generalist who dabbles in a bit of everything. In fact, most of our clients tried one of these solution before contacting us.

Here’s why we think you should save yourself the hassle and hire us directly.

  • Better tracking & attribution leads to a bigger return on ad spend
  • We don’t need babysitting and can even communicate with your clients directly or assist you during meetings about analytics.
  • We have a robust system that deliver quality work every time.
  • Our attention to detail is unmatched.
  • We are a full-stack data consulting agency. No project is too complex for us.
  • We are always available.

Yes, we will work as extended part of your team. You can let us know about your processes and we will just white-label the service package for you.

Yes, this is exactly the type of work we specialize in. We’ve built over 25 modern data pipelines. Consolidating data from more than 100+ data sources.

We are not marketers who dabbles into data analytics. Data is all we do.

We build and advise on end-to-end data solutions. Our team comprises measurement specialists, data analysts, data engineers, data architects, and data scientists.